Just A Couple of Authors

Introducing Dr. LaVerne Jackson

Author of Letters to My Children: A Collection of Inspiring Stories and Poems

Dr. LaVerne Jackson is the latest addition to our family of authors. Dr. Jackson will have her book signing debut on Saturday, December 7, 2024. More details are forthcoming. If you would like to purchase a copy of her book in advance please click visit Amazon Prime

Meet The Authors

Phillip and Denne Lawton

Couple Authors Phillip and Denne Lawton have taken the independent publishing world by storm. This dynamic literary power house uses their love for writing to deliver authentic, soul touching,  thought provoking, and inspirational literary context to their readers. They tell the stories that need to be told. 

Latest Book by Denne Lawton

Just in Time for Valentine's Day

Available Now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Love is a timeless story told throughout history. Our love story is an example that sometimes love occurs when you least expect it and will often challenge every fiber of who you are. "Sometimes love can break your heart for a short time only to mend it so you can be happy for a lifetime."  We are excited to share our journey of love with our readers. 

MEET THE AUTHORS: Phillip and I met years ago and discovered that we have so much in common. Our love for each other is shared with our love for writing. Together we have taken the publishing world by storm with our first published books "I am Sorry For Your Loss: Memoirs of a Covid-19 Survivor" and "This is What They Told Me: Stories from Prison that They Won't Tell You." Visit our page to unlock future projects, discussions, and see what we are doing. We are excited to embark on this journey and invite you to join us!


My name is Denne Lawton and I  work for the University of Michigan. I am a mother, author, candle maker and martial artist.  I have always had a passion for writing and started my journey in elementary school writing short plays for my friends to act out after recess. From there, I went on to win several contests and awards for my poetry and short stories. In 2016, I married the love of my life, Phillip  Lawton. Phillip and I share so much and have so much in common but our notable love is our art and passion for writing. Weekends are spent side by side with our backs turned typing away. Some would say that it is a romance Written for the ages.  I have written two books; "I am Sorry For Your  Loss; Memoirs of a Covid-19 Survivor" and " Don't Ask Me To Stop Crying". 


My name is Phillip Lawton and I am a Corrections Officer for the State of Michigan. As an ordained minister, I am currently working as an Acting Chaplain. With over 40 years of Martial Arts experience, I never thought that there would be anything that I loved as much as my wife (of course) and being a martial artist. However, as a person who grew up afraid of failing and being labeled academically, writing, even typing was difficult for me. However, as an adult learner, not only did I overcome learning disabilities, I exceled academically earning a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Counseling. My first Book "This Is What They Told Me; Stories from Prison That They Won't Tell You" is my tangible validation that dreams can come true if you just believe. I was able to overcome impossibilities. It is my hope that I can be an example for others so that they will learn to do the same.